National Conference on “Salient Features of APPROVAL PROCESS HANDBOOK (2021-2022) for Resetting Technical Education & Implementing National Education Policy 2020”

Education Promotion Society for India (EPSI) with the support of AICTE organised a National Conference on “Salient Features of APPROVAL PROCESS HANDBOOK (2021-2022) for Resetting Technical Education & Implementing National Education Policy 2020” and Exclusive Interactive Session of Chancellors, Vice Chancellors, Directors, Registrar, Deans, Principals & HODs of Technical Institutions/ State Private Universities/Institutions Deemed to be Universities with Dr. Anil D Sahasrabudhe, Chairman, All India Council for Technical Education on 18th March, 2021 at Taj Connemara, Chennai.
This one day National Conference had an exclusive Interactive Session with Prof. Anil Dattatraya Sahasrabudhe, Chairman, AICTE and one Plenary Session i.e. (i) “Role of Private Institutions in Making National Education Policy 2020 Successful” . Prof. Anil Dattatraya Sahasrabudhe said that AICTE has been releasing Approval Process Handbook (2021-2022) after detailed consultation with all stakeholders particularly Private Sector Higher Education Services providers. He further added that AICTE has tried to handhold with Private Institution builders.
Dr. Sahasrabudhe has said that Ministry of Education is actively working on implementation of some of the provisions particularly making modern curriculum which will be future oriented and multi-disciplinary in nature. He said that Private Institutions have to play a big role in the implementation of NEP-2020. AICTE, Chairman had a separate Session in afternoon to discuss problems of Private Institutions.
During the course of interaction, it has been discussed about opening of campuses for physical classes, COVID-19 Compliances, Online Teaching-Learning and Regulatory Issue of Engineering Colleges, Management Institutes & Deemed Universities.