National Conference on “Indian Higher Education: Agenda for Innovation – Leapfrogging inspite of all Constraints 14th September, 2019

Education Promotion Society for India (EPSI) organised a one day National Conference on “Indian Higher Education: Agenda for Innovation – Leapfrogging inspite of all Constraints” on Saturday, the 14th September, 2019 at Hotel The Raintree, Annasalai, Chennai wherein Hon’ble Governor of Tamil Nadu, Thiru. BANWARILAL PUROHIT, has inaugurated the National Conference, delivered the Inaugural Address and also inaugurated the EPSI Southern Regional Office. Thiru. Mangat Ram Sharma, IAS, Principal Secretary to Government, Higher Education delivered the Special Address. Dr. Anil Dattatraya Sahasrabudhe, Chairman, AICTE delivered the Key Note Address.
This National Conference had an exclusive Interactive Session with Prof. Anil Dattatraya Sahasrabudhe, Chairman, AICTE and three Panel Discussions i.e. (i) Innovation inside Higher Education Institutions – Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment (ii) Creating a Research Eco-System – Role of the Government, Industries & Academic Institutions (iii) Innovation in Governance & Academic Administration of Schools, Colleges and Universities.
The Conference deliberated various challenges and issues which are adversely affecting the healthy growth of higher education institutions particularly those which are run by private sector. The key issues which discussed at the Conference were as follows:
- How to provide quality higher education accessible for every strata.
- Measures to improve quality of research and publication of research papers.
- Importance of private education sector in developing higher education
- Creating interfaces and connectivity with the industry
- Role of Technology in creating global quality in Indian higher education
- Expanding Accreditation & Quality Assurance
- Government policies on reforms in higher education
- How to reduce the cost of education?
- How to fulfill the dream of Make In India – Vision 2025?
- How regulatory bodies like UGC and AICTE should become nurturing and mentoring bodies?