A Request to Political Parties for Including “Agenda for Indian Education” in their Manifestos for General Election -2019

You may be aware that the Education Promotion Society for India (EPSI), since its establishment in 2005, has been working steadfastly as an advocacy group representing the entire education sector (from primary education up to university education).
At national as well as state level, it has always been in constant touch with policy makers at MHRD, UGC, AICTE, MCI, NCTC and state councils of higher education where it has tried to appraise them about problems of schools, colleges and universities. We have a membership base of 300+ universities and 5000+ colleges spread over the entire country.
Since 2005, the EPSI, as the only national body representing the Indian education, has been striving for making the education as a ‘game changer’ for the country which can serve the aspirations of teeming millions to get employment and receive regular income for their livelihood. We strongly believe that since our nation has embarked upon the market led economy, there has been consistently high economic growth but without creating jobs in sufficient numbers. Capacity of the Indian Economy in creating additional jobs has been getting decelerated continuously in recent years.
We think that the General Election-2019 is a great opportunity for all educationists, intellectuals and the of civil society to join hands with political parties for developing an “AGENDA FOR INDIAN EDUCATION” capable of transforming our education system at all levels viz. primary, secondary and higher education. EPSI has decided to meet leaders of all national and regional political parties with a memorandum highlighting all pressing issues and problems relating to the education sector and also,suggesting their pragmatic solutions. During the next 45 days, we are going to meet leaders of all parties in person and will be requesting them to include “AGENDA FOR INDIAN EDUCATION” in the manifesto of their parties.
EPSI has been observing the technological and educational developments during the last couple of decades at global as well as national level. We are of the opinion that many disruptive technologies are on the horizon and has taken a shape of the 4th Industrial Resolution or the Industry 4.0. Future of our children will be safe only when we are able to provide them “Quality Education” at all levels. There is a dire need to “REVAMP, REJUVENATE & TRANSFORM” our schools, colleges and universities so that our future generation can be groomed and trained to face a “NEW WORLD IN THE 21 CENTURY”.
We are of the view that during 71 years of independence, there has been exponential growth in education with sizable improvements in enrolments at schools, colleges and universities. Still vast majority of children and youth from poor families, SC,ST, OBC, EWS communities are lagging behind the prosperous section of the society in accessing quality education. In the coming decade (2020-30), youth of these down-trodden sections will have to face severe joblessness, if they are not properly trained to deal with “NEW TECHNOLOGIES”.
We are delighted that the EPSI is also going to organise a few Roundtables across the country on “The General Election -2019: Agenda for Education”. Proposed places for organising these Roundtables are Lucknow, Delhi, Pune, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Chandigarh and Chennai which will facilitate discussions between representatives of political parties and eminent educationists on the key educational issues for inclusion in the manifestos of political parties.